Thailand flowers&gifts delivery service
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    Mother's Gifts

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1 USD = 33.0 Baht
(Approximate Rate)


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1.) This store does collect demographic data and personal data to provide you a better internet experience.

2.) Your personal details will remain private and confidential. We will never sell, rent, barter or share your personal details in any way with any other company. All data collected is for our internal use only.

3.) We hate spam as much as you do. Actually, I think we hate it more since we get something like 100-odd junk e-mails each day. So, we will Never send you any unsolicited e-mail. If you choose to subcribe to our free newsletter(new products,services and promotions), you will receive your newsletter once every month. Clear unsubscribe details are always shown on the newsletter.

4.) If you choose not to receive our free monthly newsletter, we will only contact you to answer your queries and/or send you your order confirmation. We will not contact you anytime else.

5.) We may from time to time, send you pertinent information on special offers, giveaways or special discounts should you choose to subcribe to it.

6.) This site does use cookies. However, we do not keep any of your personal details on cookies. We simply store your Customer ID (Just a number) in cookie format. This Customer ID does not correlate to any of your personal information. We also store your name on cookie format to personalise this website. This cookie is only present if you have not registered as a member of our site. If you are a member, then the only cookie that we use is the Customer ID cookie.

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July 27, 2024 14:0
(Thailand Time)

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:: We are professional in flowers and gifts online provider in Thailand :: flowers, roses, lilies, mixed bouquets, gifts, gift baskets, fruit baskets, cakes and artificial flowers
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